
April 11, 2022

5 Pre-Production Fundamentals To Complete For Your Videos

The success of every great film or video can generally be attributed to how well they were planned out before the actual shoot. Regardless of what makes up your video content, taking the time to plan the project and nailing every detail is the one thing that could potentially make or break the end result. Moreover, doing so also helps save precious time and money. Knowing this, if you wish for a fruitful collaboration with a video agency for your brand’s video project, here are five steps that you should check off in the planning or pre-production stage.

1. Establish your video’s branding elements

Today, traditional TV commercials are being dropped for a modern approach of a subtler and smarter brand of business video. However, that does not mean there is no room to include friendly reminders about who you are. Signoffs and greetings are an integral part of video pre-production. Being subtle in promoting your brand can be incredibly effective at pushing audiences towards the goal you wish to achieve with the video. However, try not to be too subtle since not communicating a call-to-action or guiding viewers to the next step they should take could result in the video losing its momentum and, ultimately, potential sales.

2. Set a Realistic Budget

After establishing your message and audience, the next step is to set your budget. Without it, it becomes easy to go over budget for the entire project. Furthermore, managing expectations becomes nigh impossible due to this vagueness. Some aspects of video creation can be more co than others, which could lead you to over-promise yet under-deliver-especially when you plan on going above and beyond with your video by including things like third-party interviews or voice-overs.

3. Plan for your best 8 seconds

Given that most people generally have shorter attention spans, with the average being a mere eight seconds nowadays, it is recommended to put the best eight seconds of your video first to prevent viewers from losing attention and clicking away. Thankfully, scriptwriters and video producers can generally work with this short amount of time. In most cases, it is long enough for them to come up with something eye-catching while also informing viewers what they can expect for the rest of the video.

However, this does not mean you have to pre-explain everything in the short window allotted by this restriction. Mid-res, which is abbreviated from “in medias res”, is a technique used by many writers in which they tell a story right in the middle of it, prompting viewers to jump straight into a whirlwind of excitement that gets them hooked for long enough to hear the “why” of the video. This “why” is essentially the reason or message you wish to impart to viewers about how your product or service can benefit them. In essence, it is a problem or issue that your brand can help solve for them, which gets expounded on at the end of the video.

4. Visualise your shoot with a storyboard

A storyboard is just as invaluable and indispensable as a video script in terms of being a pre-production tool, given that it allows you to visualise the shoot before it actually takes place. It does this by verifying the possibility of taking the ideas in your mind and making them more concrete by putting them on paper. In addition, a storyboard can also answer a wide range of questions such as:

Where is the lighting coming from?
Is there a location in mind?
What does it need to have to make production work?
Which tools are necessary for each shot to capture the look and feel intended by the script?

5. Form a personal connection

The final tip for effective video scriptwriting is rather simple -- be authentic and transparent. Being authentic is arguably the best way to get audiences on board with a brand and build personal connections with them which is the foundation necessary to conduct sales.

Remember that video marketing is a highly effective form of content marketing whose ultimate goal is to promote thought leadership. Essentially, you want your audience to see you as the experts about everything beyond just the products and services you provide and place their trust in your brand.


As you may now know, there is plenty to consider before green lighting the actual shoot on your latest video marketing campaign. Thus, it is important to make sure that you have covered all the basics to ensure your project goes as smoothly as possible.

At Emergent Films Singapore, our pride and passion for filmmaking drive us to settle for nothing less than excellence with every project we take on. Thus, you can rest assured that by relying on our expertise, you’re guaranteed that the final cut will wholly realise your ideas on film and achieve the goals you wish to accomplish with it.

Contact us today for exceptional corporate and commercial video services today.

What’s a Rich Text element?

The rich text element allows you to create and format headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, images, and video all in one place instead of having to add and format them individually. Just double-click and easily create content.

Static and dynamic content editing

A rich text element can be used with static or dynamic content. For static content, just drop it into any page and begin editing. For dynamic content, add a rich text field to any collection and then connect a rich text element to that field in the settings panel. Voila!

How to customize formatting for each rich text

Headings, paragraphs, blockquotes, figures, images, and figure captions can all be styled after a class is added to the rich text element using the "When inside of" nested selector system.